A Note From Deborah Koppel Mitchell - THE Modern Day Pollyanna™:![]() Deborah Koppel Mitchell is THE Modern Day Pollyanna™!
Pollyanna is defined as a noun in the Webster's Dictionary as: "A blindly or foolishly optimistic person." The original Pollyanna character from the book, "Pollyanna," written by Eleanor Porter in 1913, was actually nothing close to foolish. In fact, she was a bright, quite precocious young girl whose positive attitude and outlook affected and infected an entire community in a positive way-! In fact, at the time the book was first released it had a positive effect on many real life communities. Then, at some point in time, in our culture, the name Pollyanna became a word which was used derogatorily to describe someone who is "positive to a fault"--in fact annoying, with an overly positive attitude...
Growing up as a young girl, I was even teased for smiling too much... In recent years, I had the revelation; that with the renewed mainstream popularity of "The Law of Attraction," with much focus on the effects of positive attitude and visioning-- It is as if the world has finally caught up with us "Pollyannas"--! At the same time this thought came to me--I heard the phrase inwardly, "Pollyanna Power! ™ Positive Attitude in Action." Like a wave, images of the effects of a positive attitude and actions came over me--I envisioned ripples of energy moving out from even the smallest of actions, (such as smile), raising the vibration, with a positive effect on ALL! I consider my self a "Modern Day Pollyanna™." It is not about being saccharine sweet and positive all the time. It is more about operating in life with an optimistic attitude, a high vibration--and from a centered place of awareness and presence. From here, we can respond from our natural instincts and intuition, with compassion, flexibility, and trust. It is about owning the powerful effect our attitude and actions have on everything. "Pollyanna Power™" is more than a phrase--It is a Movement! The time has come to redefine "Pollyanna," to represent the original Pollyanna character's effect; which was desirable and positive. As I have gone on in my life, I am actually thanked and complimented on my smile--and I am owning that something as simple as a smile can create a POSITIVE EFFECT-! AND now, I am smiling alot-! BE a part of the POLLYANNA POWER™ MOVEMENT! -Join us on FaceBook HERE -VISIT THE POLLYANNA POWER™ STORE AT CAFE PRESS HERE Get the message out there with Pollyanna Power Products for women, girls & tots!! Thank You! Deborah -Follow Deborah on Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/pollyannapower -Follow Deborah on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/DebKMitchell -TO CONTACT DEBORAH FOR INTERVIEWS EMAIL: [email protected] -Pollyanna Power™ & Modern Day Pollyanna™ have been Trademarked since 2007- |